Hello Internet

Hello there!

My name is Tune. Welcome!

This is basically an intro post, detailing what will happen at this here blog.

It will probably all be extremely geeky, but this is my blog, and probably no one is reading it, so I really don’t care.

Here is what I will probably be doing here:
Video game reviews.

Movie reviews.


Lots to do with Anime, because I watch rather a lot of that.

Maybe comic reviews.

Book reviews.

And other random stuff that I don’t quite know at this point.
So if any of that takes your fancy, and you actually can be bothered reading a blog, join me on this, ultimately, rather pointless blog.
Side note: anything I review probably won’t be really new, but I probably will only have just played/watched/got/read.
Thank you for reading, and farewell. 

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